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The FetchChromSizes script does at it says. It is provided by the UCSC team to download a chromosome list from the UCSC Table database and save it to a local text file. The script supports any genome present in the UCSC table database.

The unix version of the script can be downloaded in its current version from the following link [1].

# after download, the file should be made executable with
chmod 0755 fetchChromSizes
# downloading hg18 chromosome lengths is done with
fetchChromSizes hg18 > hg18.chrom.sizes

result of the command

INFO: trying MySQL /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql for database hg18
splaisan@stelap:~/Desktop$ cat hg18.chrom.sizes
chr1	247249719
chr2	242951149
chr3	199501827
chr4	191273063
chr5	180857866
chr6	170899992
chr7	158821424
chrX	154913754
chr8	146274826
chr9	140273252
chr10	135374737
chr11	134452384
chr12	132349534
chr13	114142980
chr14	106368585
chr15	100338915
chr16	88827254
chr17	78774742
chr18	76117153
chr19	63811651
chr20	62435964
chrY	57772954
chr22	49691432
chr21	46944323
chr6_cox_hap1	4731698
chr6_qbl_hap2	4565931
chr17_random	2617613
chr6_random	1875562
chr5_h2_hap1	1794870
chrX_random	1719168
chr21_random	1679693
chr1_random	1663265
chr9_random	1146434
chr8_random	943810
chr4_random	842648
chr15_random	784346
chr3_random	749256
chr7_random	549659
chr19_random	301858
chr22_random	257318
chr11_random	215294
chr13_random	186858
chr2_random	185571
chr5_random	143687
chr10_random	113275
chr16_random	105485
chr22_h2_hap1	63661
chrM	16571
chr18_random	4262

  1. http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64

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