From BITS wiki
How-To's are walk through tutorials that help you solving common data analysis problems. They are often prepared in response to Q&A started during training or Hands-On sessions. You are always welcome to propose additional How-To topics by sending us an email at
Pages in category "Howto"
The following 67 pages are in this category, out of 67 total.
- ... compare two long DNA strands for homologous regions
- ... find genes with similar expression profiles in my organism of interest
- ... find proteins with a similar structure compared to my protein of interest
- ... Merge overlapping sequences into one sequence the easy way
- ... search miRNA targets and analyze them
- Adding a new software repository for bioinformatics
- Adding repositories containing bioinformatics tools in Red Hat-derived distributions
- Adding the Debian Med repository containing bioinformatics tools in Debian-derived distributions
- Analyse and quantify Metagenomic sequencing data
- Analyse GEO2R data with R and Bioconductor
- Analyze GEO data with GEO2R
- Analyze GEO data with the Affymetrix software
- Call variants with samtools 1.0
- Clean adaptor containing reads from FastQ data at command line
- Combine the content of several fastq files into one big fastq file
- Convert a list of Affy probes to genes using Babelomics
- Convert gene or protein identifiers
- Create a bootable live USB drive for testing distributions
- Create a count table in R
- Create a GC content track
- Create a Gene-List using QuickGO
- Create a mappability track
- Create a valid gtf file for tophat
- Create a virtual machine running a Linux distribution using VirtualBox
- Create Venn plots from counts
- Creating a workflow in Galaxy
- Identify the Phred scale of quality scores used in fastQ
- Improve your AWK experience
- Indexing genomes for bowtie
- Indexing genomes for bwa
- Indexing genomes for samtools
- Indexing genomes for srma
- Install a BITS-training virtual-machine on your computer
- Install ChIP-Seq training command line software
- Install Geany, a powerful, light-weight programming editor
- Install Picard tools in Linux
- Install vcftools
- Install YASARA and its FoldX plugin
- Install-upgrade R under linux Mint
- Installing ActivePerl and TextPad in Windows
- Installing Bioperl in Windows
- Installing Strawberry Perl and Padre in Windows