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Perform various Quality Control checks on BAM data obtained by NGS

SimilarTo.png: RSeQC

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Qualimap [1] is a script toolbox written in python that performs a number of quality control operations as well as data transformation that can prove very useful for RNASeq data analysis (Download from: http://qualimap.bioinfo.cipf.es[2]).

A manual is accessible through the help menu of the Java GUI.


Help on command line versions

The command-line version currently groups 3 tools listed below.

  • qualimap: When only 'qualimap' is typed, the GUI will start

help for qualimap CLI

qualimap -h
Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...
QualiMap v.0.8
Built on 2014-03-05 17:17
usage: qualimap <tool> [options]
To launch GUI leave <tool> empty.
Available tools:
    bamqc            Evaluates NGS mapping to a reference genome
    counts           Counts data analysis (RNA-seq data evaluation)
    clustering       Clustering epigenomic signals
    comp-counts      Compute feature counts
Special arguments: 
    --java-mem-size  Use this argument to set Java memory heap size. Example:
                     qualimap bamqc -bam very_large_alignment.bam --java-mem-size=4G
  • bamqc: Evaluates NGS mapping to a reference genome

help for bamqc

 qualimap bamqc -h
Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...
QualiMap v.0.8
Built on 2014-03-05 17:17
Selected tool: bamqc
ERROR: Unrecognized option: -h
usage: qualimap bamqc -bam <arg> [-c] [-gd <arg>] [-gff <arg>] [-hm <arg>] [-nr
       <arg>] [-nt <arg>] [-nw <arg>] [-os] [-outdir <arg>] [-outfile <arg>]
       [-outformat <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-rscriptpath <arg>]
 -bam <arg>                     input mapping file
 -c,--paint-chromosome-limits   paint chromosome limits inside charts
 -gd <arg>                      compare with genome distribution (possible
                                values: HUMAN or MOUSE)
 -gff <arg>                     region file (in GFF/GTF or BED format)
 -hm <arg>                      minimum size for a homopolymer to be considered
                                in indel analysis (default is 3)
 -nr <arg>                      number of reads in the chunk
 -nt <arg>                      number of threads (default is 4)
 -nw <arg>                      number of windows (default is 400)
 -os,--outside-stats            compute region outside stats (works only with
                                -gff option)
 -outdir <arg>                  output folder
 -outfile <arg>                 output file for PDF report (default value is
 -outformat <arg>               output report format (PDF or HTML, default is
 -p <arg>                       specify protocol to calculate correct strand
                                reads (works only with -gff option, possible
                                values are STRAND-SPECIFIC-FORWARD or
                                STRAND-SPECIFIC-REVERSE, default is
 -rscriptpath <arg>             path to Rscript executable (by default it is
                                assumed to be available from system $PATH)
Special arguments: 
    --java-mem-size  Use this argument to set Java memory heap size. Example:
                     qualimap bamqc -bam very_large_alignment.bam --java-mem-size=4G
  • counts: Counts data analysis (RNA-seq data evaluation)

help for counts

qualimap counts  -h
Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...
QualiMap v.0.8
Built on 2014-03-05 17:17
Selected tool: counts
ERROR: Unrecognized option: -h
usage: qualimap counts -d1 <arg> [-d2 <arg>] [-i <arg>] [-k <arg>] [-n1 <arg>]
       [-n2 <arg>] [-outdir <arg>] [-outfile <arg>] [-outformat <arg>]
       [-rscriptpath <arg>] [-s <arg>]
 -d1,--data1 <arg>      first file with counts
 -d2,--data2 <arg>      second file with counts
 -i,--info <arg>        info file
 -k,--threshold <arg>   threshold for the number of counts
 -n1,--name1 <arg>      name for the first sample
 -n2,--name2 <arg>      name for second sample
 -outdir <arg>          output folder
 -outfile <arg>         output file for PDF report (default value is report.pdf)
 -outformat <arg>       output report format (PDF or HTML, default is HTML)
 -rscriptpath <arg>     path to Rscript executable (by default it is assumed to
                        be available from system $PATH)
 -s,--species <arg>     use default file for the given species [human | mouse]
Special arguments: 
    --java-mem-size  Use this argument to set Java memory heap size. Example:
                     qualimap bamqc -bam very_large_alignment.bam --java-mem-size=4G
* '''clustering''': Clustering epigenomic signals
{{Collapsed|margin=20px|comment=help for clustering|content=
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
qualimap clustering -h
Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...
QualiMap v.0.8
Built on 2014-03-05 17:17
Selected tool: clustering
ERROR: Unrecognized option: -h
usage: qualimap clustering [-b <arg>] [-c <arg>] -control <arg> [-expr <arg>]
       [-f <arg>] [-l <arg>] [-name <arg>] [-outdir <arg>] [-outfile <arg>]
       [-outformat <arg>] [-r <arg>] -regions <arg> [-rscriptpath <arg>] -sample
       <arg> [-viz <arg>]
 -b,--bin-size <arg>          size of the bin (default is 100)
 -c,--clusters <arg>          comma-separated list of cluster sizes
 -control <arg>               comma-separated list of control BAM files
 -expr <arg>                  name of the experiment
 -f,--fragment-length <arg>   smoothing length of a fragment
 -l <arg>                     upstream offset (default is 2000)
 -name <arg>                  comma-separated names of the replicates
 -outdir <arg>                output folder
 -outfile <arg>               output file for PDF report (default value is
 -outformat <arg>             output report format (PDF or HTML, default is
 -r <arg>                     downstream offset (default is 500)
 -regions <arg>               path to regions file
 -rscriptpath <arg>           path to Rscript executable (by default it is
                              assumed to be available from system $PATH)
 -sample <arg>                comma-separated list of sample BAM files
 -viz <arg>                   visualization type: heatmap or line
Special arguments: 
    --java-mem-size  Use this argument to set Java memory heap size. Example:
                     qualimap bamqc -bam very_large_alignment.bam --java-mem-size=4G
  • comp-counts: Compute feature counts

help for comp-counts

qualimap comp-counts -h
Java memory size is set to 1200M
Launching application...
QualiMap v.0.8
Built on 2014-03-05 17:17
Selected tool: comp-counts
ERROR: Unrecognized option: -h
usage: qualimap comp-counts [-algorithm <arg>] [-b] -bam <arg> -gtf <arg> [-id
       <arg>] [-out <arg>] [-protocol <arg>] [-rscriptpath <arg>] [-type <arg>]
 -algorithm <arg>     uniquely-mapped-reads(default) or proportional
 -b                   GTF-specific. Calculate 5' and 3' coverage bias.
 -bam <arg>           Mapping file in BAM format
 -gtf <arg>           Region file in GTF, GFF or BED format. If GTF format is
                      provided, counting is based on attributes, otherwise based
                      on feature name
 -id <arg>            GTF-specific. Attribute of the GTF to be used as feature
                      ID. Regions with the same ID will be aggregated as part of
                      the same feature. Default: gene_id.
 -out <arg>           Path to output file
 -protocol <arg>      strand-specific-forward,strand-specific-reverse or
 -rscriptpath <arg>   path to Rscript executable (by default it is assumed to be
                      available from system $PATH)
 -type <arg>          GTF-specific. Value of the third column of the GTF
                      considered for counting. Other types will be ignored.
                      Default: exon
Special arguments: 
    --java-mem-size  Use this argument to set Java memory heap size. Example:
                     qualimap bamqc -bam very_large_alignment.bam --java-mem-size=4G

  1. Fernando García-Alcalde, Konstantin Okonechnikov, José Carbonell, Luis M Cruz, Stefan Götz, Sonia Tarazona, Joaquín Dopazo, Thomas F Meyer, Ana Conesa
    Qualimap: evaluating next-generation sequencing alignment data.
    Bioinformatics: 2012, 28(20);2678-9
    [PubMed:22914218] ##WORLDCAT## [DOI] (I p)

  2. http://qualimap.bioinfo.cipf.es

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